Meet and Greet your Subconscious Mind

Meet and Greet your Subconscious Mind

We were never taught about our subconscious mind in school – only the rational, linear thinking part. So we learned a lot of facts, and missed out on the part that is responsible for the 95% of our functioning that is subconscious. That’s a pretty important bit wouldn’t you say?

In addition to doing many other things, the subconscious stores the memory of everything that we have ever experienced, said, or done. It also creates and files memories of everything that has ever been said or done to us.

 When someone says “I don’t remember my childhood very well”, that just means they don’t remember it consciously. And thats fine. Imagine if we Consciously remembered everything.  The conscious part of our mind simply does not have the capacity to do that — and it would probably drive us nuts anyway! So, the subconscious mind stores all of this for us — like a personal library of your life.

You might think ‘why would I want to access that library of old stuff? The past is the past.’ True. And yet the past, subconsciously and unconsciously, effects us through the young memories and old behavior patterns that haven’t been upgraded to serve us as adults. That’s why you sometimes feel like you’ve been ‘hijacked’ or ‘triggered’ into acting in an immature way. Your 5 year-old came out and took over.  This happens to all of us from time to time.  You may have vowed to change, or told yourself to just ‘stop’, but to no avail. So you decided ‘that’s just the way I am’, or ‘that’s just my personality’ — and gave up. It doesn’t have to be that way. We actually can ‘grow up’ those parts of us that have been left behind. And it can be done with compassion and appreciation for what life was like with the resources of a 5 year old. 

“Any pattern or belief that remains unconscious has more power over us than it will if we bring it into consciousness.”  (author unknown)

If you would like to learn more about how to access the intelligence and resources of the subconscious mind, click below for a free private chat with me.

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